About Me and this Web Space

About Me and this Web Space
Photo by Patrick Fore / Unsplash

Hi there, Techies and Data Enthusiasts!! I am Akashdeep Gupta and I am the brains behind everything you find on this website. I am a Data Engineer by profession (with 9+ years of experience at the time of this writing) and a developer by ❤️.

I am an AWS Certified Developer and Data Analytics Specialist. I love to build scalable and robust solutions to complex problems. I strongly believe in

Coding is a self-learned superpower that anyone can have.
If you wanna dig deep, you gotta dig broad.

I am a curious soul, an avid reader, and a self-learner who loves to read starting from books, blogs, and everything that makes me curious, and yes I am aware of the fact that "curiosity killed the cat." and have been in situations around the same. 😅

What you will find here?

Based on my various years of work experience as a Data Engineer on multiple Tech Stacks, I have decided to write on stuff that will help people become better engineers and take them to the next level in their career paths.

On a very high level, this tech space will include:

  • Deep Dives on specific topics.
  • Tutorials that can help you build a skill from the ground up.
  • Optimization techniques I have learned over the years.
  • Fun projects and solutions to some interesting problems.
  • New techs rising in the Data space.
Time is a most valuable and limited resource that can't be gained back.

I aim to write a post weekly and I spend a good amount of time making sure that every post here is worth the time for whoever is reading the post before hitting that Publish button.

If you are on the path of upgrading yourself to the next level and if any of this resonates with you, you can subscribe to my weekly newsletter here.
No clutter, No spam..!! I promise to make sure everything posted here is worth your time.

Reach out

I love connecting with like-minded people. If my weekly newsletter or this web space has helped you in any way, I would love to hear about it.

In case if you want to reach out to me or need some help in building any data solution on cloud or have some feedback for me, you can find me on:

Not on any socials ?!? Feel free to shoot an e-mail at: geekfrosty@gmail.com
I read and respond to all the emails or DMs sent to me.

Hope you enjoy and find it worth your time scrolling around this space.!!